Vando Davis
Artist | Creative Soul
b. 1967 | Grew up in Wilmington, Delaware

85 - 89 | University of Tennessee | Student / Athlete | Football / Track and Field
92 - 93 | Art Institute of Atlanta | Culinary Arts
Vando Davis is a self-taught artist who works primarily with acrylic and oil sticks. Vando began his art career in 2017 after years in the hospitality field. The impetus for his painting was his youngest son, who was having trouble relaxing during intense day trading sessions. Vando saw painting as a way to help his son, but little did he know how much it would impact his own life.
Rooted in Neo-Expressionism and Abstract, Vando’s style of painting uses vibrant, uncharacteristic, sometimes clashing colors, along with phrasing and vowel-free words. Vando’s fun loving nature is seen in every colorful stroke.
Since becoming a full-time artist, Vando exhibited at Spectrum Miami 2018, where he was selected to the Director’s List. In 2019, he was selected as a “Featured Artist” for Hot Works Estero Fine Art Show.
Vando lives in Atlanta, GA with his wife Sheri, two cats and pup Pepper.